Bringing the birdsong back to the Routeburn Track
We are proud to support the Routeburn Dart Wildlife Trust.
RDWT - Traplines
The Routeburn Dart Wildlife Trust is a charitable trust set up to protect birdlife on the Braided rivers and the valleys of the Rees and Dart rivers.
In 2018 they built and laid 600 traps and regularly check and maintain them to create a barrier to predators entering the Routeburn Valley and to protect the birds breeding in the region.
Ultimate Hikes is proud to be a part of the Trust and to assist with checking traplines along Lake Sylvan near the Routeburn Shelter.
In this video, our GM Noel Saxon talks to Russell, a contractor to the Trust who builds and sets the traps.

Lake Slyvan Trapline
The team at Ultimate Hikes check the 30 odd traps along the Lake Slyvan trapline over the summer season.
This is done as a training day for guides to understand the importance of protecting birdlife in Mt Aspiring National Park and for them to pass on the knowledge to our walkers.

have a look at some of the birds we are protecting on the Routeburn Track